Low Risk Animals

The animals on this page are low-risk animals. That means that these animals can be kept as pets without any risk of harm to your life. It should be obvious that every pet needs to be trained to go to the bathroom and listen to when you call it, but these animals should catch on quickly. Also, most of these animals are close to the basic pets you hear that your friends or your family have.


Yawning Pig

I have 2 pigs in my life right now and they act just like dogs. They can live in your home if you want, or you can make a little barn for them outside. Like every pet they will have to be trained to go to the bathroom but, pigs usually do it outside. They will also have to be trained not to bite you. They will go through a "Terrible twos phase" where they act up out of nowhere even if they have been good for their whole life so far. But, other than that, I actually recommened getting a pig. It's loads of fun.


Baby Hedgehog

Before you can even get a pet hedgehog, you first have to see if they are legal in your country and state. If they are legal, then congratulations, you passed the first part. Hedgehogs are nocturnal, so while your trying to sleep they will be up and around burning energy. They may take a while to warm up to you but patience and time will help them trust you. When you are in bed and your hedgehog is still awake have an enclosed area in the house away from your bedroom with big space so he can burn himself out and not wake you up


Little Fox

Foxes may not seem as a pet at first. But with great dedication and a strong will, they will become your pet. First things first, they are illegal in most states so you will have to see if they are legal and second, they are going to take a lot of training and dedication from you. Just like the hedgehog, foxes are hyper. They also have a tendency to mark their territory and without attention they might ruin the enclosure you set up for them. But, that is something that most pet owners go through.

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